Shop Local

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. The best gift you can give to the City of Broussard this holiday season is to shop local. By shopping with a local retailer, you are reinvesting in our community and helping us grow Broussard even more.

When you spend $100 in a local business, $48 dollars stays in the economy compared to only $14 dollars when you shop in big chain stores.

So an excellent opportunity to keep our money in Broussard is on Small Business Saturday. This year, this fantastic opportunity to shop what Broussard has to offer will fall on November 26, 2022. So what happens when you shop locally? Well, studies have shown that local businesses donated to community causes at twice the rate of chain locations. When you give these local businesses your sales, that is more money they can provide to organizations within our community. Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money available to beautify your community. Also, spending locally instead of online ensures that your sales taxes are reinvested where they belong— in our community!

To learn more about how shopping locally can help Broussard’s economy and community, check out this announcement at If you still have questions, feel free to contact the Broussard Economic Development Corporation Directly.

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