The Broussard Economic Development Corporation is dedicated to making Broussard a city where businesses prosper. There are a million and one reasons to move your business to Broussard with a community unlike any other. One of the main selling points is that Broussard does not collect a property tax.
The City of Broussard collects money through utilities and sales tax, but not property taxes. Broussard is one of only a few municipalities in the state of Louisiana that does not collect a property tax. By not collecting property taxes, businesses can save money and invest more into growing their business.
Broussard also offers plenty of other tax incentives for businesses to operate here. Some of these include LED Faststart, Enterprise Zone, and Research and Development Tax Credit. See more information on these valuable tax incentives below or visit the Broussard Economic Development Corporation website at
LED Faststart – creates customized employee recruiting, screening, and training solutions–at no cost to eligible companies
Angel Investor Tax Credit – up to a 25 % tax credit for individual investors who invest in early-stage, wealth-creating businesses that seek start-up and expansion capital
Enterprise Zone – either a $3,500 or $1,000 tax credit for each certified net, new job created and either a state sales/use tax rebate on capital expenses or a 1.5 percent investment tax credit for qualifying expenses.
Industrial Tax Exemption – property tax abatement for up to 10 years on a manufacturer’s new investment and annual capitalized additions
Research and Development Tax Credit – a tax credit up to 30 percent to existing businesses with operating facilities in Louisiana to establish or continue research and development within the state.