Shop Broussard! – Shop Local – Eat, Play, Shop, Enjoy!

Click Here to view a listing of local shops and boutiques in Broussard, LA 

Or Click Here to view the Broussard Chamber of Commerce Member Directory!

Did you know that for every $100 you spend at a locally owned business, $48 stays in the community? When you shop local that money supports our schools, streets, jobs and safety. That’s why this Holiday Season, City of Broussard, Broussard Economic Development, and Broussard Chamber of Commerce ask you to re-invest in your community by shopping with a local retailer this holiday season.

Quick Facts 

  • 48% of revenue from independent retailers is recirculated in the community^
  • 65% of revenue from independent restaurants is recirculated in the community^
  • Every dollar you spend at a local store has a higher chance of being spent at another local business.
  • quarter of the region’s workforce is employed in the Retail or Hospitality & Leisure sectors
  • 25,600 retail jobs
  • 21,800 hospitality and leisure jobs
  • $1.5 billion: Projected Holiday Shopping Season in Lafayette Parish (Nov. & Dec.)
  • Small Business Saturday is November 25, 2023: In 2022, 72% of U.S. consumers plan to shop or eat in an independently-owned store or restaurant on Small Business Saturday*^Source: Civic Economics; *Source: American Express

What Happens When You Shop Local*

More of your money stays in our local economy

For every $100 you spend at locally-owned businesses, $48 stays in the community. What happens when you spend that same $100 at a national chain? Only $14 stays in the community.^

You nurture community

Local business owners know you, and you know them. Studies have shown that local businesses donate to community causes at more than twice the rate of chains.

You embrace what makes our community unique

You wouldn’t want your house to look like everyone else’s in the U.S. So why would you want your community to look that way?

You conserve your tax dollars

Shopping in a local business district means less infrastructure, less maintenance, and more money available to beautify your community. Also, spending locally instead of online ensures that your sales taxes are reinvested where they belong— in our community!

You create local jobs

Local businesses are better at creating higher-paying jobs for your neighbors. When you shop locally, you help create jobs for teachers, firemen, police officers, and many other essential professions.

You took advantage of their expertise

You are their friends and neighbors, and locally owned businesses have a vested interest in knowing how to serve you. They’re passionate about what they do. Why not take advantage of it?

You invested in entrepreneurship

Creativity and entrepreneurship are what the American economy is founded upon. Nurturing local business en­sures a strong community.

You help the environment

Buying from a locally-owned business conserves energy and resources in the form of less fuel for transportation and less packaging.

You create more choice

Locally owned businesses pick the items and products they sell based on what they know you like and want. Local businesses carry a wid­er array of unique products because they buy for their own individual markets.

You made our community a destination

The more interesting and unique your community is, the more we will attract new neighbors, visitors and guests. This benefits everyone!

*Source:; ^Source: Civic Economics

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